Monday, July 2, 2007

Saint Bernards TOP Food Dog In China

PLEASE--Do Not read this if you have a weak stomach!
This post is dedicated to my brother-in-laws dog, Sebastian, his St. Bernard puppy...
St. Bernards are the top "food dog" in China
China has no animal rights laws. Switzerland, has found out that their "national dog", the Saint Bernard, has become a favorite in China. To avoid that their national symbol becomes food for Chinese people, Switzerland has forbidden export of dogs to countries where dogs are eaten, like China, South Korea, etc. So, now, the Saint Bernard dogs and the Danish dogs are imported from Russia at a very high price.
Although international organizations for the protection of Saint Bernard dogs ask that the breeding of Saint Bernard dogs for food should be stopped in China, the Chinese specialists consider the Saint Bernard dog the most adequate breed for cross-breeding and production of meat dogs. Saint Bernard dogs are of very big size and have a very high breeding rate. Specialists have named the Saint Bernard breeding a highly profitable business of the 21st century. In fact, representatives of the Chinese government have imported the first shipment of Saint Bernard dogs which were then sold to breeders for meat production and reproduction.
Economically speaking, to raise Saint Bernard dogs is 4 times more profitable than pigs and 3 times more profitable than raising chickens in China.
They keep the dogs in small cages until it is time for slaughter. When the dogs are big enough, they (the Chinese), believe that if they can increase the adrenaline level in the dog, just before they die, it will create a meat that can increase virility in men. Therefore, they torture the dogs to death. Two of the most popular ways are:1. Confirmed reports that breeders normally killed dogs destined for the butcher by cutting a hole in the paw and bleeding them to death. ``It's true, and it takes them about 10 minutes to die, but this way the meat tastes better.''2. They catch the dog with an iron pinch. The dog is petrified. The shop owners assistant starts to beat the dog’s head with a stick. The dog screams of pain and loses all control and urinates and defecates at the same time. As the dog keeps fighting in his agony, the assistant hits the dog once more strongly with his stick. The dog finally collapses. The owner takes a knife and starts immediately opening the throat of the dog. The assistant pulls out all the organs of the dog and removes the skin from the dog. The reason for this? A dog who is scared produces adrenaline, the meat of the dog slaughtered that way is very good for men's virility.


Irene said...

I am sorry that maybe my comment will make you uncomfortable. But please maybe your knowledge about China is not so enough. I am a Chinese. A dog like st bernard is sold at a high price in China (about 450USD)-it is considered as a very good breed. The amount of money is about 4 months of income for people who live in cities, not to mention the people who live at rural areas. Even Chinese want to eat this breed, they CANNOT afford to eat it!!

By the way, a lot of Chinese have stopped eating dog meat from a long time ago just like me.

I know that nearly every messages about China in Europe is negative. But sometimes maybe we can look at the world from channels other than media. Come to China and pay a visit before you quickly judge it.

Unknown said...

My son and I had a Saint for 5 years. He was a true pet.
All he needed to be happy was a walk, a belly rub or a chewie!

I feel sick and saddened that people anywhere could treat such animals in this way (to raise dogs for food and brutally kill them).
China seems to be emerging as a world leader - if the Olympics presently running are any indication.
There can be no excuse for this barbarity.