Sunday, July 1, 2007

Paris Hilton Gets a Bum Rap

Don't get me wrong, I think Paris Hilton is a spoiled rotten little bitch, but...
The same rules should apply to everyone. I don't think that she was made an example of, she got the same treatment that any "average Joe" would have received. Unless you have connections:
The top prosecutor (City Attorney Rocky Delgadillo), the person that tried the case and got her sent to jail, does not treat everyone the same. If you happen to be the wife of the City prosecutor, you might just get treated a little different: Seems that she was driving his city issued vehicle (something that is against the city rules) and got in a minor fender bender (twice). Well, the City Attorney (the one person you would expect to know the rules), did not know that personal use of his city vehicle was not allowed. He stated that the rule is un-clear when confronted about it (after all, "city vehicles are for official use only, and cannot be used for personal use", is a little hard to understand). Alright, so letting his wife drive around in his city vehicle may not be a big deal (even though she is not a very good driver). But driving on a suspended license, is a little different. Seems she was: 1.Driving a city owned vehicle, 2. Had a suspended license, 3. Got in an accident, 4. Refused to pay for the damage because the prosecutor thought since it was a city vehicle, the city should pay for it.
Here's how the rules apply to different people:
Paris Hilton: sentenced to 45 days in jail for driving on a suspended license
Michelle Delgadillo (the prosecutor's wife): Got into an accident (in her husband's city owned vehicle), and had her license suspended for failing to appear in court. Got in a second accident (same vehicle - a month later) and was fined $185.00. NO JAIL TIME!
The prosecutor states that (his wife) got no special treatment.
I beg to differ.
Welcome back to the world of the rich and bitchy, Paris!

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